Sunday, June 27, 2010

All the Single Mommies, All the Single Mommies....Now Put Your Hands Up!

Maybe not all the SINGLE mommies, but mommies in general. For me, my life changed May 31, 2002. This was of course the birth of my son, Alexander. My little noodle as I called him. Now he is 8. Eight friggin' years old which means it's been 9 years since I was knocked up lookin' a damn whale. It was a horrific pregnancy-barfing til the morning I was admitted for my C-section, to bleeding from my uterine wall at 5 months, dehydration at 4 months, a lot more cysts developing inside my bubbies, being sick at LEAST once a month, getting anxiety attacks when I went to the coochie doctor-to say the least.

But all that went away after Dr. Garbios sliced my stomach open and I heard Alex's first cry (that also started another trend-me crying with ANYTHING that has to do with alex). Alex is my world and most moms I know, feel the same way about their children. And it's great. How mother's boast about their children as if their child is the very best at anything and everything. It shows pride and the endless love a mother has for their child. Granted, there are some heffahs out there who just pop out kids for the hell out it, but even fathers. They get props too. REAL fathers-the ones that care just as much as the mommy. Not those dads frontin'(know what I mean).

Pet owners-gotta give it up to them too. These animals are just like their children. The love is unconditional because well technically, they are still mothers!

Much props to us! We don't need Mother's Day to acknowledge us. Our job is year-round, daily, with the best pay...LOVE!


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