Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Holy Testicle Tuesday, Batman!

I know I'm late. But I just figured out how to download then upload music to my IPOD. My IPOD that I never used when I got it as a birthday gift in 2008 (pena). Now, I love it. Yesterday I spent the majority of the day in my pajamas downloading music for Alex and myself. I never even showered (again, pena) but I had so much fun strolling down memory lane with the songs I downloaded. Now, I want to get Alex an IPOD.

There is a possibility of me going to Las Vegas, Nevada in the next few weeks or so. I hope I don't melt away as I hear it gets crazy hot, a very dry hot, a hot that will probably make my nose bleed (pena cubed). Upon my return from Viva Las Vegas, I will hopping back on a plane headed for New Jersey.
When my body itches to go back, I MUST GO BACK. Sure, it's dirty, factory-filled, everything shuts down at 2am, but hey, at the end of the day, home is where the heart is. I miss my friends and family from there and can't wait to see them. Seeing them charges my internal batteries and I came come back to Miami feeling renewed! Besides, what if I see Teresa again......:)

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