Monday, January 17, 2011

Is the grass is always greener on the other side?

I know you have heard of this saying before "The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side" but can you relate? I can relate sometimes. And I use sometimes very loosely. Sometimes you go through things in life and sometimes think "I wish I would be there" or "I wish I had done that" or "I wish I had that" and dwell on the fact that you aren't where you think you should be. Sometimes I wish I was a housewife I don't know how that would work considering marriage is not my future so I can just focus on being home with Alex. But reality sets in and I know that I need to work to make a living for myself and for my Alex. Some people who are housewives wishes they had a job so they could get out of the house for some grown up conversation with other grown ups. People who are single want to be married and some who are married really want to be single. Some people who feel they are chunky wishes they were skinnier and vice versa. People with blonde hair wished they looked good with dark hair me included.
I'm not really talking about regret, per say, but sometimes we don't realize the potential we have within ourselves. We can do it! YOU can do it! I can do it! My friend was trying to market me to help with a local pizzeria improve on their marketing and damn, she had me convinced I could do it but I don't think I can. I know that I have low self-esteem which doesn't help, but I also lack experience in public relations/marketing which is odd because that's what my degree is in.
I'm going to give a try and I guess we'll see what happens.

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